Last year’s signing of a new long-term lease with TDA triggered the start of an exciting new phased development for Splashdown Quaywest and Goodrington Sands resort area. Scheme plans are now with the Torbay Council planning department this week which means that things can really start to get going.
The future of Splashdown Quaywest waterpark, for many years to come, is secure with exciting plans for an extension to the waterpark, new beach front café and wet weather attractions scheduled over the next few years, subject to planning approval.
Lemur Attractions Group, who won the tender for the waterpark in 2016 and are the current operators of Splashdown Quaywest, have submitted plans to Torbay Council planning department for development of the area immediately adjacent to the waterpark along Goodrington Sands (formerly known as the Peter Pan area) and re-development of the former Go Kart track that has been out of use for a considerable amount of time. The new lease rolls both these areas into one new lease which will allow for the development. Together with new slides within the existing waterpark.
Lemur Attractions Group Managing Director, Alan Richmond, says:
“We operated on a temporary lease for a long period, and this has hampered our ability to really invest in the waterpark as we would have liked. However, by encompassing the additional land on either side of waterpark in the long-term lease it has given us the opportunity to make a massive change to the waterpark and the facilities that will be available to locals and visitors to the area. The waterpark for families with younger children is lacking; this will change considerably with an exciting multi-flume interactive splash structure, which will bring a whole new dimension to the waterpark and widen its appeal. Before we can get that in, we intend there to be a new signature slide, which, with a bit of luck, will be installed in 2023. Our other plans include the construction of a new building on some of the old go kart site. We are looking at a couple of concepts at the moment, but the intention is to bring in wet weather attractions, which will extend the season for us, to make us a year-round business and bring much needed employment for local people with new full-time roles and additional seasonal jobs as well as providing things to do for local families throughout the year.
“Torbay Council have been enthusiastic and encouraging about the possibility of this happening over the past several years and we are delighted that our proposals are now into the planning department. Full details and drawings are available via the Torbay Planning Portal to share with everyone. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the development of Goodrington Sands and Splashdown Quaywest waterpark which we firmly believe will have many positive impacts for the wider economy of the English Riviera and help ensure that it remains a leading destination in the UK. It’s very exciting and we can’t wait to get going.”
“We love it here at Goodrington. We have tried, with the development, to be sensitive to the area and the special place it has in the hearts of many people but at the same time deliver an unprecedented upgrade and expansion to the waterpark; new year-round attractions, work opportunities and a massive reason to come to the English Riviera for 21st century visitors.”
More than £3 million will be invested in the re-development that will take place over the next three to five years depending on planning agreement and building schedules. Visitors to Goodrington south Sands will already see some work taking place to secure the site for public safety purposes and insurance requirements as well as ongoing improvement and maintenance to the site. The waterpark’s 2022 season looks set to start a little later than usual for the late May Bank Holiday and half-term (subject to completion of some works currently being undertaken).
As more information is available it will be posted on the Splashdown Quaywest website and social media channels.